A feature-rich trading application optimized for global,
around the clock multi-asset automated trading

It doesn't stop with the trade, for middle and back office the joy only begins after the trade. Wide-spread automated trading generally results in a high number of trades, all of them with a need to be reconciled against counterparty or broker statements. 

Mercurius calculates trading fees using versatile fee schedules capable of coding virtually any fee rule in existence. Trades can be assigned multiple fees in any currency, like broker fees, exchange fees, regulatory fees et cetera. 

Diversified portfolios tend to generate a lot of individual cash flows out of corporate actions like dividends under different tax regimes. To help reconciling, Mercurius automatically generates these cash flows based on positions in custody and domicile specific rules on withholding tax. 

Mercurius develops a tool to automate the reconciliation process based on customizable inputs. To comply with  regulatory reporting duties, Mercurius develops functionality to automatically generate such reports based on daily trading activity and positions in custody.   

Mercurius incorporated pre-set exposure breakdowns allowing any level of granularity.
Exposure breakdowns
Mercurius incorporated pre-set exposure breakdowns allowing any level of granularity.
Mercurius natively supports virtually any type of Corporate Action or Event.
Native Support
Mercurius natively supports virtually any type of Corporate Action or Event.

"Designed from the perspective of a quantitative trader, executing a variety of trading strategies on exchanges across the globe with minimal interference."

Interested to experience the look and feel of Mercurius? Simply download and install our UI to connect to an already established fully functional platform with data, orders, trades, algos and more.

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